Frequently Asked Questions


Don’t see the answer to your question?

What can I expect from therapy?

How often will we meet?

Ideally, at least once a week. Research shows that meeting less frequently results in slower changes and less effective treatment.

Want to meet more often? There is research that supports “condensed” therapy that includes multiple sessions a week, which has the effect of shortening the number of weeks in treatment and speeds up the results of your treatment.

We will discuss the right schedule for you in one of our first meetings, and adjust as needed.

How long are sessions?

A standard session is either 60 or 90 minutes. This allows us 50 or 80 minutes to speak together and 10 minutes for documentation and record-keeping.

The duration of your sessions will be determined by your identified goals and the type of therapy you are participating in.

For example, Cognitive Processing Therapy or Written Exposure Therapy have been designed to be completed in 60-minute sessions, while EMDR or Prolonged Exposure were designed for use in 90-minutes sessions.

How long does therapy take?

Unfortunately, the answer is “it depends.” Everybody has had different backgrounds, experiences, strengths, and difficulties.

Someone who has had multiple traumatic experiences or other life challenges may need more time in treatment to work through their issues than someone who has had a relatively calm life before a single trauma.

We will work together to develop a treatment plan, at which time it is likely I can give you a general estimate of what to expect. While it may take some time for you to be ready to leave treatment altogether, it is common to experience benefits from treatment within a month or two, depending on your investment and effort in the process.

What can I do to speed up my progress in treatment?

There are 168 hours in a week, and 60-90 minutes is a small fraction of that time. To see the true benefits of treatment you will have to act on the knowledge and understanding you have gained to make real changes in your day-to-day life.

It likely took you years to develop and maintain some of your symptoms, and change takes time. We will discuss practice or “homework assignments” you can complete during the week to practice new skills and behaviors.

It has been my experience that the more effort people put into therapy, in and out of session, the more benefits they see, and the faster they notice them.

How do I know we will be a good fit?

This is a very important question. If you are going to put in the time, money, and effort, you want to have a therapist you feel comfortable with and who knows what they are doing. Our first phone conversation should give you a bit of a sense of who I am and if we may be a good fit.

When we meet for a session you’ll get a deeper understanding of who I am and what you can expect from me and treatment.

It may take time for you to decide if we are a good fit and if you’ll be able to feel comfortable enough to allow yourself to share openly with me.

If at any time I say or do something that makes you uncomfortable, please tell me! I’m human, and I make mistakes, but your feedback will not only help us but other people I may work with in the future and would be deeply appreciated.

This is also an opportunity to provide feedback to a person who will not react defensively or get upset if you disagree with me or are unhappy with something I did or said. It’s a great opportunity to use your healthy communication skills with someone who knows the importance of talking things through.

Hopefully, we can talk through your concerns or reservations, and continue working together, and if not, I will work with you to find a provider who may be better able to meet your needs. As awesome as I am, I know not everyone is going to like me, and that is ok.

You may need a different style of therapist to work with, and I don’t take it personally. Its particularly important that you feel safe and supported in treatment so that you can allow yourself to be open enough to see the results you deserve.

Fees and Policies

What are your fees?

  • 15-minute phone consultation: Free, optional
  • First appointment: 60 minutes, $250
  • 60-minute ongoing treatment: $225
  • 90-minute ongoing treatment: $300

Do you take insurance?

I am not an in-network provider with any insurance panels. However, I am happy to provide you with the information necessary (i.e., a superbill) to submit for reimbursement of out-of-network benefits.

Before you begin treatment please check your insurance coverage by calling your insurer and asking the following questions:

  • Does my plan provide out-of-network reimbursement for mental health?
  • Is there a deductible I need to meet before you will start to reimburse me?
  • How many sessions per year does my health insurance cover?
  • What percentage of the fee do you cover?

You may also use your Health Savings Account (HSA) or Flexible Savings Account (FSA) to save by paying for therapy with pre-tax dollars.

For low-fee counseling, I recommend looking here:

Additionally, many universities have sliding scale sessions available with trainees in clinical psychology or counseling programs.

Do you prescribe medication?

Nope. I’m a psychologist, which means I was trained to assess and treat psychological issues using psychotherapy.

Psychiatrists are medical doctors who first earned an MD and specialized in prescribing medication for mental health concerns.

If you choose to include medication as part of your treatment, I will be happy to communicate with your family doctor or psychiatrist to coordinate care.

What is your cancellation policy?

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What are your hours?

I run by appointment only. You can check the schedule in the client portal to see available days and times.

Sadly, I am not a morning person, so I generally do not schedule sessions prior to 11:00 am, as I know I am not at my best until later in the morning. However, I am available later in the day to accommodate those who may find it challenging to be seen during the traditional workday.

Do you see couples or children?

I’m happy to speak to your family or friends to help them better understand what you are experiencing and ways they can support your progress in treatment.

However, I do not treat couples or children, as it was not the focus of my training. I will happily help you find an appropriate therapist who can help you meet these needs.

What does Momentai mean?

Way back in the early 2000s, a good friend started to use the word “momentai”, which he’d borrowed from an anime show, to express a variety of emotions.

Much like aloha can mean hello and goodbye, “momentai” came to mean so many things, from “hey!, I’m happy to see you” or “wow, I’m so sorry for your loss.” The positive associations of this nonsense word stayed with me, and when it came to choosing a name for my practice, I decided it fit.

When you meet with me, I want you to feel the same sense of warmth, safety, and compassion I associate with momentai.

How Do I Get Started?


Free 15 Min Chat

Speak by phone to discuss any questions you may have and set up a time to meet (optional)

Book Appointment

Set up a 60-minute appointment to get started!

First Session!

We’ll discuss your current concerns, personal background, and goals for treatment, then get going!